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Slip Slidin, No Way!



Discover essential tips to reduce slip and fall risk all winter long. Learn how to safely apply Ultra Ice Melt for optimal results, protect your property, and keep residents and visitors safe. Explore product spotlights, pro tips, and a shovel survey to gear up for winter maintenance.

Reduce Slip and Fall Risk All Winter Long 

Slip and fall accidents can be embarrassing, but they bruise a lot more than egos. Even a seemingly minor fall can cause lingering injuries and other associated concerns, for the person and the property. To reduce the risk of slip and fall injuries:

·         Wear proper footwear for the conditions, even if you’re “just stepping outside for a minute.”

·         Walk with a short, careful stride.

·         Be cautious when performing tasks in cold, icy weather.

·         Apply the proper deicer for the conditions.

Apply Ultra Ice Melt safely and effectively.

  • Always wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling.
  • For concrete surfaces, use calcium chloride products, not rock salt.
  • Blow or sweep off after snow to extend the life of concrete surfaces.
  • Follow specific application instructions on the product.
    • Always use a broadcast spreader, distribute evenly, and control amounts.
    • Applying too much can cause your sidewalks to crack and “popcorn” the top layer off.
    • Applying too much will kill and damage plants.
    • Ultra Ice Melt products come in specific, easy to see colors, so it’s simple to know where and how much has been applied.
  • Use interior and exterior mats to prevent tracking Ice Melt
  • If Ice Melt is spilled or tracked inside, remove as soon as possible.
  • Store Ultra Ice Melt products in safe, dry spaces out of the sunlight

Safer inside?

When considering slip and fall accidents in icy weather, many people think about driveways, walkways, and parking lots. But when ice and snow are allowed to accumulate, the slush is tracked indoors, leading to potentially unsafe conditions in facilities and common areas.

Taking action to protect against the accumulation of ice and snow outside reduces the hazards inside as well, helping keep properties safer for everyone. And, while nothing eliminates all hazardous conditions caused by winter storms. Having all-weather mats at every entrance, as well as well-placed signage warning of possible slick floors are important safety steps.  

  PRO TIP: Stock up on Ice Melt and equipment, like spreaders and snow throwers.  

SHOVEL SURVEY: Which one is your favorite?



Chadwell Supply would like to thank Steve Wilhelm from Village at Stonefalls, David Powers from Prime Residential, and John Rouse from Channingway Apartments for offering their perspective on the benefits and best use of Ice Melt.  


For more tips, tricks, and product knowledge to help keep protect people and property from the hazards of winter storms, visit chadwellsupply.com/pk-storm

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